
  • "Reductive Retrocyclization of a Mangana(II)cyclopentasilane to Form Manganese(0) Bis(η2-disilene) Complexes"
    Kawabuchi, Y.; T. Suzuki, Y. Wada, Sunada, Y. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2024, 63, e202319804.
  • "Reduction-Induced Hapticity Increase in a Silacycle-Bridged Biaryl-Based Ligand Coordinated to an Iron Center"
    Suga, Y.; Sunada, Y. Dalton Trans., 2023, 53, 862-865.
  • "Visible Light Responsive Dinuclear Zinc Complex Consisting of Proximally Arranged Two d10-Zinc Centers"
    Wada, Y.; Maruchi, T.; Ishii, R.; Sunada, Y. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2023, 62, e202310571.
  • "Iron(II) Complex with a Silacycle-Bridged Biaryl-Based Ligand"
    Suga, Y.; Sunada, Y. ACS Omega, 2023, 8, 24078–24082.
  • "Dinuclear and tetranuclear group 10 metal complexes constructed from linear tetrasilane comprising both Si-H and Si-Si moieties"
    Umehara, Y.; Usui, R.; Wada, Y.; Sunada, Y. Commun. Chem., 2023, 6, 93.
  • "Germanium hydrides as an efficient hydrogen-storage material operated by an iron catalyst"
    Kobayashi, Y.; Sunada, Y. Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 1065-1071.
  • (総説)"“Template synthesis” of discrete metal clusters with two- or three-dimensional architectures"
    Sunada, Y.; Yamaguchi, K.; Suzuki, K. Coord. Chem. rev., 2022, 469, 214673.
  • "Discrete Palladium Clusters That Consist of Two Mutually Bisecting Perpendicular Planes"
    Kojima, N.; Kato, M.; Sunada, Y. Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 7610-7615.
  • "Metalation-Induced Denitrogenative Reductive Coupling of Isocyanides on a Silylene-Bridged Nickel Cluster"
    Shimamoto, K.; Sunada, Y. Chem. Sci., 2022, 13, 4115-4121.
  • "Iron Disilyl Complex as an Effective Catalyst for Hydrogenation of Unfunctionalized Multisubstituted Alkenes"
    Kobayashi, Y.; Sunada, Y. ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng., 2022,10, 1078-1082.
  • "Nuclearity expansion in Pd clusters triggered by the migration of a phenyl group in cyclooligosilanes"
    Shimamoto, K.; Sunada, Y. Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 7649-7652.
  • "Supersilyl as an Effective Monodentate Ligand to Stabilize Four-Coordinate Manganese(II) Complexes"
    Arata, S.; Suzuki, K.; Yamaguchi, K.; Sunada, Y. Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 17537-17541.
  • "Four-Coordinated Manganese(II) Disilyl Complexes for the Hydrosilylation of Aldehydes and Ketones with 1,1,3,3-Tetramethyldisiloxane"
    Saito, K.; Ito, T.; Arata, S.; Sunada, Y. ChemCatChem, 2021, 13, 1152-1156.
  • "Silylene‐Bridged Tetranuclear Palladium Cluster as a Catalyst for Hydrogenation of Alkenes and Alkynes"
    Yanagisawa, C.; Yamazoe, S.; Sunada, Y. ChemCatChem, 2021, 13, 169-173.
  • "A Four Coordinated Iron(II)-Digermyl Complex as an Effective Precursor for the Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane"
    Kobayashi, Y.; Sunada, Y. Catalysts, 2020, 20, 1/29-12/29.
  • "Dimensionality Expansion of a Butterfly Shaped Pd4 Framework: Constructing Edge-Sharing Pd6 Tetrahedra"
    Shimamoto, K.; Sunada, Y. Chem. Eur. J. 2019, 25, 3761-3765.
  • "An isolable iron(II) bis(supersilyl) complex as an effective catalyst for reduction reactions"
    Arata, S.; Sunada, Y. Dalton Trans. 2019, 48, 2891-2895.
  • "A Ladder Polysilane as a Template for “Folding” Palladium Nanosheets"
    Sunada, Y.; Haige, R.; Otsuka, K.; Kyushin, S.; Nagashima, H. Nature Communnications., 2013, 4, 3014/1-3014/7.
  • "Half-Sandwich (η6-Arene)iron(II) Dinitrogen Complexes Bearing a Disilaironacycle Skeleton as a Precursor for Double Silylation of Ethylene and Alkynes"
    Sunada, Y.; Imaoka, T.; Nagashima, H. Organometallics 2010, 29, 6157-6160.



  • 32) "Heterogeneous Catalyst Consisting of Silylene-Bridged Palladium Cluster"
    Yusuke Sunada、The 12th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-12), 2024.12.11.
  • 31) "ケイ素に支持されたベースメタル錯体・触媒の開発と水素活性化・活用"
    砂田 祐輔、ケイ素化学協会 2024年度第4回Web講演会, オンライン, 2024.12.9.
  • 30) "Oligosilane-Assisted Construction of Group 10 Metal Clusters"
    Yusuke Sunada、The 20th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry,東北大学,仙台, 2024.11.1.
  • 29) "オリゴシランを鋳型とする金属クラスター構築"
    砂田 祐輔、クラスター科学の新しい潮流, 東京大学,東京, 2024.10.19.
  • 28) "ケイ素にアシストされた錯体・クラスター触媒開発"
    砂田 祐輔、第14回サブウェイセミナー, 東京大学,東京, 2024.10.5.
  • 27)"Construction of Group 10 Metal Clusters Supported by Organosilicon Ligands"
    Yusuke Sunada、30th International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC-2024), 2024.7.18.
  • 26)"14族元素を活用した鉄錯体触媒開発"
    砂田祐輔、錯体化学若手の会夏の学校2024 2024.6.28.
  • 25)"Bond Activation on the Silylene Bridged Group 10 Metal Clusters"
    Yusuke Sunada、53rd North American Silicon Symposium, 2024.6.11.
  • 24)"貴金属フリーもしくは極少量の貴金属で作動する触媒開発"
    砂田祐輔、化学・材料インキュベーション研究会, 2023.5.16.
  • 23)"ケイ素鋳型分子を活用した金属クラスター合成と機能開拓"
    砂田祐輔、日本化学会第103春季年会, 2023.3.23.
  • 22)"Bond Activation by Silylene Bridged Group 10 Metal Clusters"
    Yusuke Sunada、The 11th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-11), 2022.12.14.
  • 21)"Construction of Organosilicon Supported Group 10 Metal Clusters via Template Synthesis"
    Yusuke Sunada、International Congress on Pure & Applied Chemistry Kota Kinabalu (ICPAC KK 2022), 2022.11.23.
  • 20)"オリゴシランを活用した 10 族金属クラスターの鋳型合成"
    砂田祐輔、第26回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 2022.11.11.
  • 19)"有機ケイ素がアシストする金属集積・触媒機能"
    砂田祐輔、東京都立大学 理学研究科 化学専攻 無機化学セミナー, 2022.10.21.
  • 18)"金属とケイ素の協働作用に立脚した錯体・クラスター触媒開発"
    砂田祐輔、第八回元素戦略に基づいた触媒設計シンポジウム, 2022.2.21.
  • 17)"Construction of Metal Clusters via Organosilicon-Based Template Synthesis"
    Yusuke Sunada、Zasshikai seminar 1847th, 2022.2.18.
  • 16)"Organosilicon Compounds as the Template to Construct the Metal Clusters with Well-Defined Architectures"
    Yusuke Sunada、The 19th International Symposium on Silicon Chemistry,Online, 2021.7.5.
  • 15)"金属とケイ素が協働する鉄触媒・金属クラスター開発"
    砂田祐輔、京都大学化学研究所附属元素科学国際研究センター 令和2年度講演会, 2020.10.27.
  • 14) "Catalyst Design for the Iron Catalyzed Reduction Reactions"(Invited)
    Yusuke Sunada、The 2nd Japanese-Sino Symposium on Catalysis for Precision Synthesis, 2019.12.6.
  • 13) "Catalyst Design Based on the Cooperative Functions Between Metal and Organosilyl Ligands"(Invited)
    Yusuke Sunada、4th International Symposium on Precisely Designed Catalysts with Customized Scaffolding, 2019.12.4.
  • 12) "Organosilicon Assisted Construction of Metal Clusters with a Well-defined Architecture"
    Yusuke Sunada、錯体化学会第69回討論会, 2019.9.21.
  • 11) "金属・ケイ素協奏作用を基軸とする鉄触媒開発"
    砂田祐輔、新学術領域研究「精密制御反応場」第7回公開シンポジウムプログラム, 2019.5.17.
  • 10) "貴金属代替触媒の設計・合成・応用"(招待講演)
    砂田祐輔、第4回上智大-横浜国大有機金属合同セミナー, 2017.10.21.
  • 9) "Template Synthesis of the Planar Palladium Cluster Molecules"(Invited)
    Sunada, Y., ISPAC 2017, 2017.6.8.
  • 8) "Synthesis of palladium nanosheets by using the cyclic polysilane as the template"(Invited)
    Sunada, Y., CNRS Seminar, 2017.2.29.
  • 7) "ケイ素の特性を活かした触媒・クラスター開発"(招待講演)
    砂田祐輔、群馬大学 元素科学国際教育研究センター 元素機能科学プロジェクトセミナー、2016.12.19.
  • 6) "Highly Effecient Iron-Complex-Catalyzed Hydrosilylation"(招待講演)
    Sunada, Y、 NTU-UTokyo Joint Conference, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2016.11.30.
  • 5) "遷移金属とケイ素の協働作用を基軸とする錯体・触媒開発"(招待講演)
    砂田祐輔、山口大学大学院創成科学研究科 第54回常盤台コロキアム、2016.11.25.
  • 4) "Design and Synthesis of New Iron Catalysts Showing Signs of Coordinative Unsaturation"(招待講演)
    Sunada, Y. Catalysis and Fine Chemicals (C&FC 2016), Taipei, Taiwan, 2016.11.11.
  • 3) "ケイ素と遷移金属の協働効果の活用を指向した錯体・触媒開発"
    砂田祐輔、中央大学大学院理工学研究科 有機元素化学セミナー、2016.10.29.
  • 2) "Design and Synthesis of Diamagnetic Iron-Dicarbonyl Catalyst Bearing a Disilaferracycle Skeleton"
    Sunada, Y. Base Metal Catalysis Symposium, Princeton University, USA, 2016.9.3.
  • 1) "Design and Synthesis of Iron-Dicarbonyl Catalyst Bearing a Disilaferracycle Skeleton"
    Sunada, Y. JST–NTU Joint Seminar on Sustainable Synthesis and Catalysis (The 50th Anniversary of Singapore-Japan Diplomatic Relations (SJ50)), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2016, 8.3.


  • 平成27年度錯体化学会研究奨励賞(受賞年月日:2015年9月22日、賞の授与団体名:錯体化学会)
  • 第18回ケイ素化学協会奨励賞(受賞年月日:2013年10月25日、賞の授与団体名:ケイ素化学協会)
  • 第28回若い世代の特別講演会証(受賞年月日:2014年3月27日、賞の授与団体名:日本化学会)



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